RIP Mr Haynes

Yes his manuals have helped me a lot over the years.

I have sometimes found inaccuracies and also cursed when something that is described as just 'unbolt the...' turns out to be a 2 hour task.

However his work has been invaluable to millions of people I'm sure - he made his mark!

I wonder what is gravestone will say?
Five spanner’s and ‘refer to main dealer’.

I would have never started mucking about with old cars if not for his publications. Gave me the confidence to start my fist project many many years ago.
Great publications and definitely made working on cars seem a lot more managable (than they actually were)
A sad loss in more than one way as these days anything that goes wrong on a modern car, it needs a computer plugging in
I remember our club run to the Haynes museum back in.....oh dog, was it really 1991 ? Fabulous place and attracted a good turnout of Zs.