
Welcome back Mike - take it easy all the same, no rush.....have you lost weight ? They say hospital food does that :) !
Your 'secretary' has been in contact with me but a bit sketchy on details...like addresses.
Oh dear. Poor Mike. This whole episode has been a right old mess-around for him. Hope he finally gets this sorted out this time. :(
Been in touch with Mike today. He's been in Broomfield but goes back to Bas Vegas this afternoon. Hopefully with progress made and on the mend!
Not been on here a lot recently (for obvious reasons), but felt ready for an update. I am now officially a kidney dialysis patient. The sepsis generated within the plaster cast on the original broken leg broke the back of my one "used but previously servicable" kidney. The other was rendered useless after an attack of kidney stones was obliterated by ultrasound 20 years ago.
I am, therefore, still held prisoner in Basildon hospital whilst they reduce water accumulation daily and work out how to fit more permanent attachment lines. I'd tell you the tale of the first botched attempt but it might be too much for some... (should have gone to Speedflow...).
Meanwhile my ever grateful thanks to the Z Club (via Steve Burns and committee) for the recent gift of a Kindle to help pass the time lying here doing not a lot. Much appreciated - it has been really nice to receive the best wishes of so many members even though I can't help most with the required parts.
I'll let you know when the situation improves and they let me free...
Very best wishes again Mike. I hope things continue to improve for you and pleased the kindle is alleviating the excitement of hospital life.