

Well-Known Forum User
It has been proposed and accepted by a small band of Z road warriors to drive down from a Swiss Z club meeting in Interlaken next May via the Swiss/Italien/French Alps to Cannes, using along the way, some of the old Monte Carlo rally stages !

We are in the process of finalising the route , stopping points and dates but count on Friday 21st May until the following weekend.

This can't be for more than 20 Zeds and participants will be accepted on a first come, first served basis. Particpants will also be vetted - nor a*"seh*les and ONLY Zs/Fairlday roadsters allowed !

Sorry for you Zxs but I'd be happy to particpate in a 'mixed' run another time !

If you wish, you may send me a private meassage or reply direct to me at or
I assume you will be including the 350Z then? Both Fairlady and "Z" only and a roadster version available soon - seems to fit the bill?
It would seem to me that this entire bunch of quote "Z warriors" all qualify for the description of as***les if the do not consider 280Zxs or 300ZXs to be proper company on their tour.
Reminds me of a time many years ago when a similar bunch of misguided Z club members left the club in a huff and tried to set up their own little club excluding the 280 and the 300 cars
Anyone know what happened to them???
Perhaps all ZX owners are considered to be A**holes?
A shame when it's the 280ZXs anniversary year. <img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt='???'>
See Soapbox "z-club" to see what i think,but us guys with "zx cars " we are obviously not good enough to be with on this drive to Cannes with the "Road warriors" , Ha,,,,, &nbsp; <img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':p'>
pmac : Reminds me of a time many years ago when a similar bunch of misguided Z club members left the club in a huff and tried to set up their own little club excluding the 280 and the 300 cars.
Anyone know what happened to them???
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"Misguided"?  "Tried"?

Would that be the CLASSIC Z REGISTER you are referring to?
Weren't you a member of that club at one time?...........

I remember that there was an attempt to set up a club for JUST "280ZX" ( S130 ) models at one time, wasn't there. Not sure what happened to THAT club - but I believe the Classic Z Register still exists............

Perhaps you would like to have a look at this week's issue of CLASSIC CAR WEEKLY, where there is a listing of contact details for both the "Datsun Z Club" ( sic ) and The Classic Z Register. These are given as part of a "Buying Power" feature on the "240Z / 260Z" with lots of very funny quotes and misinformation in it. Here's a great example:

"....Our advice is to get a 240Z if you can, but if you can't, don't worry about settling for a 260Z.
Just make sure you don't get a 280ZX though, whatever you do!".............

Great material for the Z Club archive, that.

Surely these opinions MUST be those of the author - Mr Richard Gunn - and not those of his advisors for the article; Mr Duncan Pearcey and Mr Mike Feeney?<img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=';)'>

At least the author got it right about who designed the thing. Everyone knows it was ME and not those Japanese johnnies.:p  

Albrecht : I remember that there was an attempt to set up a club for JUST "280ZX" ( S130 ) models at one time, wasn't there. Not sure what happened to THAT club - but I believe the Classic Z Register still exists............

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everybody knows my feeling on why there where two clubs catering for the fairlady marque

God knows i spouted on about it for long anough and was my aim to try and get them back together under one roof with the best of both clubs committees serving as one but realised that that would never happen

my view in the last few years has been that joint major meeting between the two clubs is the best way to promote the fairlady marque and that way joint members would not have to chose which stand to go on and owners could just all meet up and enjoy them selves and this has come about with the likes of billing and goodwood trackdays to some extent

with regards to the Classic ZX Register this was I believe set up as an offshoot or joint partner of the Z Register and after a couple of years they then left and joined into the Z Club

my big worry now is that there is now 4 clubs catering for the Z/ZX in this country
The Z Club that caters for all varients of the Z/ZX
The Z Register that caters for the first generation Z
the club that caters for the Z32
the that caters for the 350Z

basicly we all share the same thing the love of the fairlady in one form or another and feel that if we could all pull together without loosing each clubs identity we could have a far greater bargaining power with Nissan and Insurance companies
"Just make sure you don't get a 280ZX though, whatever you do!".............

Pretty unlikely that this quote would have come from me as I do still own a 280ZX.

I haven't seen the Classic Car Weekly article, so can't comment on how the author might have done, but I think it is generally well known that journalists are prime candidates for misquoting or repeating old incorrect archive material where the Z and ZX models are concerned.
Apart from meddling with Zed cars my other hobbies include "Fishing", "Kite Flying" and "Mole Catching". Sometimes I combine them! Looks like I gotta result!!! I just cant decide Albrecht whether you have been hooked or not. &nbsp;You have certainly become tangled in my kite! But the most interesting question is this _ Have I caught a mole??? A little more digging required before I can be sure!!!
You are cetainly skillful Albrecht but I dont think Yoshihiko Matsuo is going to agree with you grabbing all that 240Z limelight on your own. Thats what he told me when he signed his photo in Yutaka's book for me anyway.
On reflection I suspect that some on this forum are of the opinion that Meddling is perhaps my main hobby.
See you all at MY NEC stand in November, chock a block full of 280ZXs and 300ZXs!!! <img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':p'> &nbsp;<img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':p'>
PS &nbsp;Buy them tickets in advance and bring me the stubs.
pmac : Have I caught a mole??? A little more digging required before I can be sure!!!

You are cetainly skillful Albrecht but I dont think Yoshihiko Matsuo is going to agree with you grabbing all that 240Z limelight on your own. Thats what he told me when he signed his photo in Yutaka's book for me anyway.
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Vot do you mean by zis Mr PMac? Are you implying zat I did not design the famousz and very successful American automobile called zer 240Zee?

Now I am in zer different time zone in my New York dezign studio and you try to catch me hein? Well - I am not asleep in my hole like zer mole Mr PMAC! I am vide awake!

I wil hef you know I become a very famousz and very successful hair dryer und kitchen appliance designer, ever since I had zat bad experience vith zose Jepenese Nissan people who say that zey don't know me und I never had anysing to do vith zer design of der Zee car.

Und who is zis man Mr YoshiMatso Yutaka? I heff neffer herd off him, he must be lying und every body knows I am zer one who did all zer hard werk.

I am an "Homourary Member" of zer "Clasic Zee Regizter" DID YOU KNOW THAT? Hein? Meinself und the genius tuning meister Mr Spine Anderrson who taught Nissan how to bild zer engine properly viz the two-tone painting und all zer rest of it, and Mr Anton Fall ( see? ANOTHER famousz German ) zer very fast crashing Rallye driver of zer Zee car - we are ALL Homourary Members. Hah - you did not know zat did you und now you are scared, hein?

Aha. Now we vil see who is zer mole and who is the fisher man viz der kite on his pole, hein?

Now you try to make clefer answer to zat, und see what will heppen.

( indignant Count ).
STEVE BURNS : my big worry now is that there is now 4 clubs catering for the Z/ZX in this country
The Z Club that caters for all varients of the Z/ZX
The Z Register that caters for the first generation Z
the club that caters for the Z32
the that caters for the 350Z
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I'm thinking of setting up a Z31 Club for those UK z31 300ZX drivers and owners who aren't welcome at and also feel outcasts in the Z Club. <img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':D'>  <img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':p'>
Gentlemen or in some cases boys!!!!!!!

please get a grip of yourselves this board is sounding more of a play ground arguement than a board for adults to discuss their views etc.

we all love these cars some just have more feelings towards different ones as for any of them being the right one BULL*HIT, if we were all the same life would be so dull variety is the spice of life as is the variety of cars and the clubs. Instead of argueing amongst yourselves promote the clubs as great places for help and friendship between like minded folk with a love of a great car whichever refinements it's set in.

these cars a nice with loads of character z and zx new and old, the only thing that P***es me off if some of the stuck up owners. who in their own opinion is their view is right there can be no other view.

Stop ranting on and giving people a negative view on their cars or a car they hope to own, your views do affect others and not always for the best.

oh and before someone says anything no i've not been a z or zx owner for years and years and nor do i pretend to know every damn little thing about them, but i do know that if i'd just visited this board for the first time i doubt very much if i would have actually bought the car i love due to there being some many who in their own opinions would probably love to see it wiped off the face of the earth TOUGH cos she's here to stay.


god this ranting is infectious
OK Demi 1982, we'll put the bat n ball in the cupboard for now.
Dont suppose we'll have to wait long for summat else to go to war over!!
I hope to catch up with all you "warriors"!! at the NEC. which ever stand you are on <img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'>
pmac : OK Demi 1982, we'll put the bat n ball in the cupboard for now.
Dont suppose we'll have to wait long for summat else to go to war over!!
I hope to catch up with all you "warriors"!! at the NEC. which ever stand you are on <img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'>
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Hi Demi 1982
if people have a moan about something that is happening in the Z/ZX club scene surely it is better to have it out in the open rather than just griping behind peoples backs and that way the club committee knows what members views are and can try and keep in touch with what the members want'

over the years members have had suggestions and views and never brought them out in the open due to not wanting to rock the boat or being to shy to say something in front of others incase they upset someone.

At least with the forum people are slowly coming out of the closets and feeling free to join in discusions and threads instead off just staying in the background and not airing thier views

I personally feel that the more people who post on the forum the better the forum will be come and feel they should be encouraged to post what ever they want as long as it is Z related

I do agree that sometimes the posts may appear childish but that in some way is the point of the forum and club i.e to have some fun and although I don't support some of the views (childish and serious alike) I support the right of the people to post them

I like it when my bats out do you do you want to get your b***s out (Think i'd better edit that)   <img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':p'>  <img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':p'>  <img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':p'>
Hi Steve,

The moan had nothing to do with what's going on in the scene, &nbsp;well not unless the scene includes bad mouthing drivers for what they drive either a z or zx., by all means have heated debates i like a good one now and again myself but when it starts to sound like kids arguing in the playground over ohh mines is better than urs cos it's this or that (z or Zx).

Yes if we have a moan then yip this is the place to do it but as i said when there is disharmony between the club itself it's not giving a very wecloming picture of the rest of us.

now steve u put ur bat away till someone gets the balls out first ha ha ha
&nbsp;Although some people may get all worked up over their old Datsun Zs /Nissan ZXs, I had my tongue planted firmly in cheek...."Ooeer missus" <img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':D'>
I have to agree with Steve (which has nothing to do with the fact that we're secretly married&#33<img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=';)'>.

This forum is THE place to spout on with YOUR views regardless, and perhaps more especially, if they are controversial. This is what a forum is by definition, not some bulletin board !

Not many different people replied though - disappointing !

Some people took what I wrote personally, your priviledge, others want to calm others down - I'm with Pmac, throw the petrol on the fire and see who loses their eyebrows !

Is anyone gonna say that I don't like ZXs ? No-one ? Read the wanted ads now and remember that it was during MY chairmanship, using a design forwarded by Pete TS that we changed the clubs' logo to reflect the fact that it catered and supported ZXs !

I am trying to get this tour opened to ZXs as it goes against my philosophy to exclude ZXs. I was with Steve trying to reunite all Zs and ZXs and like him eventually felt that the best compromise was to share days out/Billing stands. I was disappointed to see a seperate 300TT register but it works for them as it does for the Skylines.
We are all wonderous in our variety, reflected in our choice our cars in the Z/ZX range.

How many of you ZX owners would like to register for this tour ?
Are Z owners more proud ? If so, is this what makes them hungry for gorgeous mountain passes and empty roads ?
If any ZX owner wants to register for this tour and he that is organising it says NO, I will drop out and run a combined Z/ZX tour in parallel. But frankly, I don't have much faith in you !

I'll be at NEC sunday if you want to do me over !
Ooh johnnyd64,
your views are those I cherish, apology accepted - no probs mate. At least you air those feelings !

Yes Steve, no ar**ho*es, meaning any participant. There aint nothing worse than your holiday being spoilt by one or two selfish people. When I see how well the HOE group members get along eg in France in June and at Billing, I wish it was always as convivial.
And heh, I'm still English and thanks Mike for the ribbing, no I haven't left my principals behind as regards the entire Nissan sporting range.

Just to prove that I'm not flawless, I got the dates wrong, it is May 29-31 in Interlaken with the tour beginning the Monday. This means it's not long after that that Le Mans is for thought !

And yes, the tour has been proposed by Guus v/d Bol, ex chairman of the Dutch Z/ZX club, who had a 280ZX and now has a 240 rallye replica.
If anyone is going to the NEC Sunday, please introduce yourselves - I'm the hairless a*seh*le !
Some times people are to quick to point the finger at what they think they see , i was guilty of that, and without knowing what has gone on in the past , really i had no right to go for you in that manor <img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt='???'> ,,,,thank you for excepting my apology,,,,, i know there were people out there annoyed at the post i wrote, but the intentions were good,, i love these cars ,from a small boy i new what i liked,,,so for me its great to see all these "z"and "zx"cars together at meetings and shows , i am interested in this trip if the invite is there , my only concern is that of cost as money rules what you do always,,so i would have to evaluate the trip,,cheers Sean,,,! <img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=';)'>