I forgot to say I also put a zinc additive in aswell but will be looking for oil that has it already added
i have checked this oil out and the zimc levels are as good as any costing 2 times more. Ordered 4 litres so will see how it performs check my oil pressure etc

Keith hedgehogdodger
i have checked this oil out and the zimc levels are as good as any costing 2 times more. Ordered 4 litres so will see how it performs check my oil pressure etc

Keith hedgehogdodger

It’s cheaper because it’s a mineral based oil, nothing wrong with that, but the more expensive ones tend to be semi synthetic, so your not comparing like for like.
Phosphore ppm
SE=1088, SF=1189, SG/CE=950,
SG Sport=1105
Zinc ppm
SE=1199, SF=1310, SG/CE=1047,
SG Sport=1217
They also say the mix of all additive is important (what they have of course :) ) . Just adding ZDDP is not well balanced oil in the end.