E88 head rebuild refurb

Professional engine shops with a good reputation near you, rather than Z specialists, IMO.
Yeh, there aren't any Z specialists anyway are there?

The valve seat position is quite critical because it has an impact on cam clearance and lash-pads. Just bear that in mind if you are building the head up?
Yes new seats imply measuring and correcting spring installed height which implies measuring and correcting lash pad thickness and you might want new guides while you're at it. This stuff is not cheap. But the engine is not unusual in these things. E.g. Ford Pinto is similar
ok so i know that i need to use a professional engine shop to refurb the head
My actual question was can any one recommend or has experience of a company that has done on e88
head in the uk
Had mine done at Country Engineering near Oldbury on Severn, Glos. V good & reasonable prices. Has worked on a few L series heads so knows what he is doing.