

Well-Known Forum User
A few days ago my Great Aunts' house ( in Blackburn, next to her church, in fact it is a typical workmans' cottage) was burgled. They got in through the back, rifled through everything and made off with...two watches !

She used to own a sweetshop and was one of the nicest people I've known - not a bad bone in her :) !

The cowards only broke in (it's never happened before) because they knew that the house was empty - she would have been 98 on the day they did but died just before Christmas, having chosen morphine rather than a complicated series of operations !

I'm not looking for sympathy, ok, I just want to share this story with you !
They should be whipped for that!

Why are we so lenient on criminals I don't know. :(
Sorry to hear about your aunt

and with regards the burglers theres a lot to be said for some old punishment
the stocks come to mind but with thier names and address being dispayed and for a four weeks period with any assets they have taken away to cover the expense of the bread and water and any other costs that occur and after that a birching and then brand them it some way that they would always be noticed as bits of shite

to many effing weak hearted do gooder in the world today
A sad story and one heard too often told in todays society. Theft,Ripping off, Muggings etc; are the scums way of living.
Sorry to hear about your aunt.

Yeh society is too soft, too many do gooders. The do gooders shout loudest and apathy reigns over the rest of us. Thanks to that criminals are nurtured and looked after, we care for them so that they'll become better people.

I think the stocks and a name and shame would be the best bet. Criminals should be made to wear orange overalls and chain ganged into tidying the streets or painting public buildings. Something of some use and make it obvious who the criminals are. And whilst I'm at it you should do something similar if you are on the dole, no free computer courses, just go tidy the park and earn the dole.

<country saved>
ah but if you put the people on the dole painting bridges etc

the people who paint bridges etc would then be on the dole because they wouldnt have any work to do

so then they would have to paint bridges etc

I know what point I'm trying to make but wether this post does I'm not sure

think they should be used a tests for drugs smoking and anything that we use animals for at the moment

like testing what is the best hight for a bumper when hit it hits a so called human
or no matter what your views on fox hunting wouldn't it be fun to use them instead of the foxes
I believe that there are certain crimes (burglary and ANY crimes involving violence, mugging, rape, random beat-ups) that are repetitive, ie once one crime has been committed and they got away with it, passing via the nick or in most cases not, then they will continue to repeat the crimes !
So, naming and shaming is a good idea - tinting their skin with an indelible dye too ! This of course, is against the law and no doubt will upset the do-gooders for beginning a class society :)
First time is bad enough but a second time if found guilty we should do what some others do and cut a hand ar something off

And if any do gooders want to comment go and start your own post somewhere else:mad:
Yeah alright, first offenders get it lightly - repeat offenders get it hard - right up the .....
SeanDezart said:
This of course, is against the law and no doubt will upset the do-gooders for beginning a class society :)
Sean, my sincere sympathy for the loss of your Aunt, genuinely meant and said, but the above quote forces me to get my soap box out, if only for a short while.

Do gooders are the scourge of our society - what are "winter festivities"?, surely they mean Christmas. I am not offended at all by one of my friends celebrating Duwali (not sure of that is spelt correctly) and neither him nor his family have a problem with Christmas, they love to join in, celebrate it and have fun like the rest of us, however....... the local council has decided that Christmas is tantamount to racism so the white English folk have to have winter festivities and the asian English folk think it's ridiculous. I am far more likely to join in with the freedom of Sikh festivities than I am the contrived, sanitised, politically correct sh*t forced upon us by the local council.

As for the criminal fraternity........ If prison actually meant being punished then things would be a whole lot better in this this country. Low life peasants like the people who burgled your aunt's knowing it was empty and why should be flogged. Makes my blood absolutely boil that there would be do gooders trying to excuse their behaviour.
Hi Andy - hope you had a good one - sorry I didn't call but there really wasn't time this trip.....but I'll be back in the Spring to buy up anything you haven't :)

Nail 'em up I say...nail 'em up ! Who said crucifixations' too good for 'em ?
Bad news Sean

ZHead said:
Do gooders are the scourge of our society

Sums it up really :(

Fook all that n get back to basics. Teach these fookers a lesson!!

Problem solved :mad:

Do it again? Shoot the coonts :devil:

Sorted :)
Just to give an insight and a slight twist to the topic. In chatting to my next door neibour yesterday who happens to be a paramedic in London,he advised me that on Xmas Eve alone there were 36 stabbings in central London.

I do wonder what this world is about sometimes!:(
Have you also noticed how a lot of decent people are now giving off the persona that they are aggressive and unaproachable? I know some good kids who wear hoodies and walk around as if they are hard just so that they wont get beaten up themselves.... If you look at them you would think SCUM.. yet I know they are good kids and wouldnt harm anyone. My point is that society has got to the stage where people are having to look threatening and mean in order to not get attacked themselves.

I just finished reading day of the triffids. If anyone has read it then I think it's one of the best things that could possibly happen to us heh.
We're heading for catastrophe anyway - we're poisoning the planet, , reducing the oxygen and messing around genetically with reproduction and food - we're gonna starve, poison, suffocate and sterilise ourselves ! If we don't blow it all up first !

When I'm reborn, I want to come back as a cockroache - I'll meekly inherit the Earth !
I blame FASHION! The urban, Street Music,drugs,booze, Bling & behavior from
The U.S has attracted & drawn in most of the kids of 'tommorrow & It's as if
you're not as they are you are not fashionable. Gangs, gun's 'Drive By's' this is
what influences the terror-element! Eminem,50 cents,T-Pac etc. there are
followed & worshipped & kind of makes West Side Story look like panto,
Rebel without a cause??? DJZ 60.:cool: