Z car values

Your'e not STILL all bangin on about this???:eek:
Go out more etc:D

Some one PLEEEEZE close this thread off .

Im gonna start a new topic ...now....
Well Pete, we assume youve just read the nonsequltur statement left by a certain outsider, and now your a contributor too mate, the cycle moves on.
I'm just reading, smailing and think I'll leave you all to it and get on with my life !

Oh, and the same goes for book reviews too !

And if I'm correct, the Dutch Club website is only open to club members (ie a closed site to the general public) which means that someone has to pay to become a member to get their code to view the site and exchange upon it !

I was all for the ZClub doing the same but have changed my mind ! Our club in France will be having an open forum to attract more members ! The Z Club in closing down this site will shut themselves off from new members ! Why ? Becasue there are those who worry that club income will go down ! So what ? So we can't afford to have a magazine which is read once and put away ! Get some serious sponsors on line to recover that money and keep the mag or drop the mag !

Yeah, waffled off topic so close this one down and transfer this post somewhere obvious and discuss..........please !!!!!!!!
oh well
no news there then on the book reviews
almost the same as the position as the promised Goertz write up
and the car spec write up
promised by people but never done
....almost the same as the position as the promised Goertz write up.....
Actually Steve, a "Goertz write up" isn't necessary. He had nothing to do with the cars that your club is involved with. I repeat - NOTHING.

Cut and paste the above and use it as a 'Press Release' if you like.

I have posted the full names of some of the main people involved in designing the S30-series Z car on this Forum before now. I haven't forgotten that I was asked to "prove it"...........

Albrecht said:

Name of your local kebab shop, perhaps?
Maybe where you live, but we dont do "kebabs" here in the Garden of England, we are all cream teas, why not lay off the Doners and invest in a dictionary old chap.
Zbirdy said:
.....why not lay off the Doners and invest in a dictionary old chap.
If you can tell me where to get a dictionary that has "nonsequltur" in it, then I'll buy it.
Err try the English I would think. Possibly Collins is a safe bet. Just dont quote my spelling. But basically I will explain it for you.
A nonsequitur refers to a statement that has no relation or relevance to the subject being discussed. Check it out and let me know.

Im moving on, when you educated yourself, I suggest you do the same.
Getting all a bit petty here and off topic - no ?

Z values - buy one in good nick !
Book revues - buy one and read about it, don't forget to note that Goertz had nothing to do with it !
"Who's getting Petty? Betty.........
Sean,you cheeky stripey shirted,bicycle using,garlic munching
wine guzzling.snail molesting git!
You nicked my Top Post position!

Sean 'Petty' & the Heartbreakers.........DJZ 60.:confused:
Itz a conspiracy ! They're all in it together, Please God who do I turn to?
in my hour of need?????????????..................DJZ 60.:unsure: