Your perfect job!!...

Originally posted by Russ
Alien Investigator... sounds cool, does that mean I'm an alien who investigates, or an investigator of aliens.

Hmmm, you know what they say, Russ - "if the cap fits ... " LOL :D
Taxidermist ! All of you who laughed - get stuffed ! And Cathy's a deep sea diver - I knew she went deep !!!
Spooky - zoo keeper, a job I might even be qualified for with a degree in Zoology.........................or are you guys the zoo?
I used a slightly different spelling of my surname ( that was used when I was a kid) and I should now be a garden gnome!!!

Sounds like a good job, but only if the weather's nice.!!!

The funky gibbon?. I preferred Black Pudding Bertha myself :)