Trouble with the site yesterday

Rob Gaskin

Staff member
Site Administrator
I was surprised when I logged on today to NOT find a thread about problems yesterday. Was it only me who couldn't get it to work? I got a message saying that there was trouble with the database and that an email had been sent to the technical people!
recieved following email from Russ early this morning in reply to an email sent to him late last night

Hi Steve,

Yeh our db server ran out of space, I received 476 error e-mails this morning J

Fixed now, cheers

Russ - Z Club
Yeh sorry,

I got in from the pub, saw the error and thought "Oh no, I now have to do db fault finding having drunk too much ale", and I've been busy since. Luckily it wasn't our fault, just db admin spending too much time looking at questionable websites and not monitoring their servers :)