North Weald drag racing

Great day - very busy. Z member turnout included (in addition to John, Jon and Terry) - myself (370Z), Anthony Toop (no Z), Tony Lamb (240Z), Mike Brown (240Z), Linford Phipps (no Z) and Tony Britain (Z in pieces in Yorkshire...). Also (I assume) non- Z Club members - a 300ZX Z32, two 350Zs and another 370Z all running on the strip but with disappointing and unrepresentative times. Also in the show a highly stylised Area 51 Rat Z32...anyone take pics?
Couple of GT-Rs rand consistent 11 second passes, one higher 11s the other knocking on 10s.
Was only there for a couple of hours or so, as i had to be back home for 1.30pm, but as a first timer at a drag strip it was quite an eye opener!

Was great to see the Zeds hammering down the strip, and they were consistently faster than a lot of the other runners taking part which was amusing to see :thumbs:

There was some amazing cars there, not just those making runs, but many as part of a mini car show, plus many older vehicles which i wasn't expecting :D