database error


Well-Known Forum User
Anyone else havin huge probs with the site ?? Im havin the same issue as about 6 weeks ago,,namely "database error" and a small pic of the club mag when trying to load or submit anything :confused:
Yes. I would assume everyone is having this problem as I have had it from various locations in the last couple of days.
I have not been able to get on either for a couple of days,

well until now, obviously...
I think we can all agree there is an issue with the server. I pm'd Russ earlier about it so I will be in no doubt he is on the case as we speak.
I thought that the club was paying an absolute bloody fortune each year for a server exactly to avoid this happening ?

This is crap !

Predicatable as ever

whingy boy said:
This is crap !

Anyway stop worrying about things that you dont understand and concentrate on getting your (new?) engine right as I hear Sylvains car is quicker.
Yeah I keep getting that message.

I have to click on another part of the site and then back onto what I wanted in the first lace to make it happen!


Predicatable as ever

Anyway stop worrying about things that you dont understand and concentrate on getting your (new?) engine right as I hear Sylvains car is quicker.

And as pedantic as ever.........engines aren't quick Mr K. - people are quick, cars are quick........but then Sylvains' has been off the road for several weeks, head off with a not unrelated issue with a certain airbox.........mine was pulling GPS verified 137mph in fifth at 5800 revs Sunday afternoon after 4 years of hard use and nothing more than 4 oil and filter changes.:p

New engine ? You been listening to more blah, blah from the likes of Rick Wood again ? Don't kid yourself - my engine is fine but I'll see you next year to share a can of your favourite brew "whup-arse" on a drag-strip.

You're the man playing catch-up at the moment - I only hope that after all that you'll have spent with somebody who's won nothing that you won't be too disappointed when cars leaving a small, draughty garden garage near Stroud move the goal-posts again.;)

It aint just about how much you spend my friend - you gotta spend it right and with nthe right person.
Hook, line, sinker and copy of the angling times....

engines aren't quick Mr K. - people are quick, cars are quick
lets see a car without and engine be quick fool

New engine ? You been listening to more blah, blah from the likes of Rick Wood again ? Don't kid yourself - my engine is fine but I'll see you next year to share a can of your favourite brew "whup-arse" on a drag-strip.
Practice boy practice cos at this moment you could'nt launch a boat never mind a car, ....but I like your self denial Sean keep kidding yourself and when your ready....bring it
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........but then Sylvains' has been off the road for several weeks, head off with a not unrelated issue with a certain airbox..........

what? who? me? Nooooooooo!!

ok very few weeks then ;o)


It was my fault!

back on the road now! with some upgrade from place to place :thumbs:

go to work every day with it for testing...
and in three weeks, road to Forezzzz! 1500km at least :driving:
Dear Mr Inspector Gadget.............if you'd left it at that "Hook, line, sinker and copy of the angling times...." - that would have been classy - you had me ! But by adding the rest without the usual factual bumpf, I sense just the kettle boiling !

Ricky, Ricky on the wall - who's the fastest of them all................

I'll be there next year for one event, it might not be the fastest strip or in the ideal climatic conditions and my car obviously weighs more than yours with all the lightness you've added and next to your experience and in-board equipment, I'm a girlie novice..............BUT, if I beat your best times with old-fashioned stonk and a bit o' welly.........where will you be then my friend ?

I have nothing to lose so you start practising !

Sylvain - no offence, just having a dig at Skiddys' airbox.
can we get this back on topic???

Sean, in response to your comment re monies paid for servers etc, this is not a server error
It is a database error, so if looking for something to moan about, moan at the webmaster. :)
I would if he was here !

Does this club (because this club is this forum without a magazine) depend upon one specific person then ?

Still beats me why the club is paying so much each month for lodging - it was to have more memory and was to serve other clubs etc as a fee paying service.........but we aint got good publicity here with this bug.

Anyway, back to kiddy-kicking - how experienced is Jon Hall and what does his car weigh and what go-faster gubbins does he have at his fingertips ?
mine was pulling GPS verified 137mph in fifth at 5800 revs Sunday afternoon after 4 years of hard use

You should have bought a 2+2, mine registered more than that last year in France........and on GPS too. perhaps you are geting confused with KPH and garlic. :rofl: