240z for sale

Csg 14l hmmm , i owned that for many many years,

:rofl::rofl::rofl: i owned CSG 14L for many years, originally silver, i was the reason that car was ruined, i fitted it with a kit and sprayed it purple, full purple and black leather interior, and where i really wrecked that motor was when i fitted it with saab electric seats.

I will post some pics and videos when i can find them ..... hopefully soon.

By the way only registered and logged onto the site when i was just reminiscing and typed in the car registration number on google to see if there was anything fresh about it, very surprised to see so many links on CSG 14L
this was my garage name, CEDAR STREET GARAGE
Would love to know what happened to it, certainly does not look like the one in the picture

Well I knew there were train spotters and plane spotters, but car spotters too ?

It seems so, here are a couple of pictures from a car spotters group I found of a black 240Z,
reg. CSG14L one from 2012, the other from 2013.

https://www.flickr.com/photos/38389354@N07/6827219602/ with credit to Sam Osbon
https://www.flickr.com/photos/61090099@N04/8972592575 with credit to Al Walter

Hearsay only, but if said car for sale does indeed turn out to be CSG14L it has made quite a transition from a rusty old driver over the past couple of years.

Talking of rats Mr. Dezart, it looks like one of them has been feasting on the rear offside wheel arch as seen in pics. Drivers door looks like one has had a good chomp on too. Those rats get everywhere, you're never more than 20 feet from one so they say, even closer in London I imagine ;)