don't you just love th zg's....

I've always thought that story didn't seem to make any sense. I suspect a bigger concern was the fact that - in vivid living memory - allied soldiers had seen lots of Japanese army trucks with the name 'Nissan' on them, and that using the Nissan name on any export market products might bring back some rather unpleasant memories.......

As for bringing back the Datsun brand name, I don't think it would be a good idea really. Plenty of people in north America seem to feel very nostalgic about the 'Datsun' name, but I suspect the vast majority of them don't fully understand that the 'Datsun' branded products they are nostalgic for were actually Nissans wearing a Datsun badge. As for Europe, it's a different problem altogether. Over here in the UK, the 'Datsun' brand name is the target of some derision and - what with Octav Botnar and his crew down in Worthing - has got quite a lot of, er, baggage associated with it.
Has anyone discriminated AGAINST JDM S30s ? I find that odd considering that they're so different and with so many options !
Has anyone discriminated AGAINST JDM S30s ? I find that odd considering that they're so different and with so many options !

Yes they have and thats why my associate doesn't come back here any more.

I remember way back when I brought my +2 to Billing for the first time and was invited to drive my car round the ring whilst a "knowledgeable" Z-Club member gave his expert commentary on the various Z models. Some of you may recall the event. Any way what I received from this guy was a barrage of ridicule and scorn and me being a fairly new member I was thoroughly embarrassed by Warbie (oops did I say that):eek:
I can understand the reason behind the "nose job" but to me is just doesn't look right. You end up with too much bodywork in front of the wheels.

Just my opinion.
Yes they have and thats why my associate doesn't come back here any more.

I remember way back when I brought my +2 to Billing for the first time and was invited to drive my car round the ring whilst a "knowledgeable" Z-Club member gave his expert commentary on the various Z models. Some of you may recall the event. Any way what I received from this guy was a barrage of ridicule and scorn and me being a fairly new member I was thoroughly embarrassed by Warbie (oops did I say that):eek:

Are you implying that all JDM S30s are G-noses ?:confused: And that your mates' car was (is ?) a replica ?

And it was ridiculed ? Being ridiculed, especially over a PA system is an outrageous action, I can't understand why and any person so doing should be banished !:(
Yes they have and thats why my associate doesn't come back here any more.

I remember way back when I brought my +2 to Billing for the first time and was invited to drive my car round the ring whilst a "knowledgeable" Z-Club member gave his expert commentary on the various Z models. Some of you may recall the event. Any way what I received from this guy was a barrage of ridicule and scorn and me being a fairly new member I was thoroughly embarrassed by Warbie (oops did I say that):eek:

Warbie, you don't listen to him he know's nowt,:rofl: in fact his "old friend" Brian Baker is buying a 2+2 or changed his mind or has already sold it.:D
Has anyone discriminated AGAINST JDM S30s ? I find that odd considering that they're so different and with so many options !

Let's face it Sean, over the 40-odd years since the S30-series Z's launch there's hardly been any decent information put in front of people for them to make their own mind up from, has there?

Reading the vast majority of English-language books and magazines that mentioned the venerable "original 240Z" ( sic ), you'd be excused for not realising that other variants existed alongside it in the planning, design, engineering and pre-production processes. If they ever do mention the non-export models, they usually either get half of it wrong or miss half the truth out ( or even do both ). Sprinkle a little damnation through faint praise over the top and voila......

I think it's only really been Brian Long's books that have even begun to address the details of the Japanese market models. Even so, I believe the pressures of bias towards the potential markets of such books ( main market: English-speaking ) inevitably lead them away from the full and balanced story.

You can research this subject privately if you have the interest, but the received wisdom ( and therefore just about every lazy mag article and internet 'wiki' ) is that the USA-market cars were some kind of Z Genesis, even though they were arguably the most softened-up and dumbed-down versions of the S30-series range at launch. You'll read British, Australian, Dutch, German, Swedish and French articles that give the data on the USA market cars as though they are the only specs, because they don't realise other specs existed or that much time and thought was put into models that were tuned for other markets.

One of the greatest ironies is that you will see the USA market HLS30-U '240Z' vaunted as some kind of creme de la Kremlin, when in fact the purest embodiments of the S30-series Z's concept and execution were never even sold there.......
a platypus looks good . . . . . . . . . . Apart from that silly extended bit at the front . Sorry couldn't resist that one :)
A Platypus is an efficient creature, naturally evolved to be perfectly suited to its' environment and needs !
I for one my Count consider myself fortunate to have been corrected in many ill-founded beliefs (from all the books and articles that a Z passionate naturally reads) mainly by yourself and also a tadge from Mr Long.
Internet has provided an exchange between more knowledgeable people than I (Mustang66 for one) and some interesting photos (eg the Le Mans car) but has also propogated the same mythical "we want to believe crap" that all those Anglo-Saxon books and copy-cat magazine articles have (and in some cases continue to do) done !
Goebbels would have loved Internet - repeat the same lie a thousand times and they'll believe it - tell a big enough lie and they'll believe that.

.........over the 40-odd years since the S30-series Z's launch there's hardly been any decent information put in front of people for them to make their own mind up from, has there?

That, to a large extent is due to Nissan Japan themselves - in the absence of real, hard facts, images and figures, too much has been made up and speculated - throw in a bit of romantic journalism and all sorts of things are suddenly 'true'

BTW my Count - this is an official site is it not ? What do you think of it - I see it as throwing in a few more pieces of the puzzle but "officially" missing out a whole lot more and the Le Mans part.........:eek:

The only Anglo-Saxons that I know who know have both rather priviledged access (albeit through their own endeavours) to people, cars and info at source and in its' home langauge before mis-interpretations and assumations !
even my avatar (which is ubber cool) has had 'THE' nose job !!


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