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Sorry but it will not make on bit of difference! Have ANY of the petitions on the government site EVER resulted in any change??? In mu opinion it is just a way of making the country feel they have a voice and an effort to stop protests etc. All that will result is a very short letter in reply stating how they are doing this as a green issue blah blah blah.

The funniest thing about the whole green issue is the promotion of biofuel - after the full process of production, 100g of CO2 are PRODUCED in order to save 105g - hardly worth it is it???

STOP the coal fired power plants and go nuclear - funny how the green activists are the ones who campaign for cleaner fuels yet they also campain against nuclear power plants. Thick or what....


I got an email from the government saying that the following plans had been shelved after signing the petition. So maybe people power does sometimes work.

Doesn't hurt to try. :thumbs:

Fair enough BUT was it that the original idea was only a suggestion perhaps? I have no faith in Government, this one or ANY other. TBH I' dreading the torries getting in - no matter what promises they make they will be just the same as they were last time round - cripple the country for the short term benefit...


So what is it when you're somewhere between a democracy and a dictatorship? Dictacracy?

Even hiz dad waz an actor:

Spencer Tracy.
Governmentz, or anyone with that power over The common man,
are all '
glory boy'z' who stab you then give you a plaster!

If he was a girl would hiz name have been: Tracy Spencer.:conf2: DJZ 60.:D