Zed Reincarnation


Club Member
Who believes in reincarnation?

Do you think you will be given a 2nd chance?
Atheist here, or do you mean that when pmac angle grinders a Z that led a good life it comes back as a Zonda?
When you're gone - you're gone for good - all that's left is who you WERE, what you did and how you treated people !

Zs live on though !
I have it on very good authority from a Mr Gregory Haye of the White Cloud Group who died in 1823 this is the only chance you get in this life on this planet, there are others to go to after. Adrian
moggy240 said:
i will proberly end up as worm poo:D

I’m glad I re read that cos I couldn’t work out why anyone would want to end up as warm poo :D