Window stickers


Forum User
Looking for advice on how to remove of old window stickers! I have 2 stuck on the inside over the demister lines ! How do you remove/peel? them, without screwing up the rear demister ?

I have previously been able to remove these nasties by using thinner and also razor blades, but in this case dont want to damage the demister lines !
Try softening the stickers with gentle heat from a hairdryer first. Use a wooden or plastic scraper to gently lift the softened sticker. WD40 is quite a gentle way to remove any sticky residue.
WD40 is excellent. Petrol gets most things off if need be.

If you mark the glass some brasso might help polish it out.
I've used WD40 many times over the tears. Not quick, but effective. Gets rid of most adhesives.

(Roger Rabbit????)
Toluene or any such derivitive of acetone works super,,also for dissolving any nasty little toons who happen to be underfoot !:D :D ( if using toluene, DO NOT BREATH FUMES !! ) certain brain damage ! Just ask Roger Rabbit ;)
Yes, I know the film. Problem is, the only thing I remember about it is Jessica Rabbit...

I need to get out more!