what do you think of these wheelnuts

Lets Drift

Well-Known Forum User
lightweight alloys wheels nuts in these are the colours and silver but dont have a pic for them , black coming soon



4 stud £39.99
5 stud £49.99
with free delivery
Please call 0800 0234423

I was considering the Candy Apple Red ones for my gray Z32
A bit fancy for an old man like me!

My comment would be how servicable is a lightweight alloy for a component like wheel nuts? It would be a good idea to use a torque wrench on them and what torque would be appropriate?
very nice for boy racers and the like but do u mean there for alloy wheels or they are made of alloy, dont think i could trust them on my car, also they must wear on constant removal :confused:
Not for me!

Why scrimp on strength when it comes to wheel nuts? Also anodised anything lasts 30 seconds, especially after you've got a socket on it. Maybe they have a steel threaded sleeve inside?