"Volcanic Anger"

No idea Grolls but I lnow WHY they were invented........................................................................................................................................ to hook behind your ears and keep your face in place :)

Apologies ladies.
quality that one i like it.... may try that later..... just one thought will it hurt my legs wearing them?......lol
You need your leg's Groll's eitherway, Bloody ell,''volcanic anger''.
has becomes'' piddleless drip''?..............DJZ 60.
just though i'd change the subject to prevent hand bags at 40 paces....after all most men like stockings and suspenders or is it just me? or shall i start on the tight leather....oh no better not go there!!! ....lol:D
yea abas it was ok , but i prefer "live" women not pics! but harmless fun i thought.