This Zed Club

Zbirdy said:
nous avons ete pris pour les idiots. :confused:
vous allez avoir,moi' je suis les couilles du chien!!!

il prosimo volto fachiamo il quiz in italiano!!!!!!!:D
Was that something about the dogs goolies, my french aint that good, and you can forget spanish, el gringo, i am lost on that.
english/french/italian/spanish/russian/dutch/german......i can find my way if i need too! oh no google ....... its incredible what you pick up in the odd massage parlour or two!:D
and he's not talkin about the lingo boyZ, wondered why youve always got your hands in your pockets mr grolls.;) scratch scratch:D

Great idea for a new thread.

Who can respond in French the quickest, Seans not allowed to join in.