Thermostat housing top

Guy 600N

Well-Known Forum User
So, we've found the problem... Wasn't a distributor problem - well I don't think so anyway, yet - but it was a problem with the head! One of the valve seats had slipped (must have been under some heat or something) and so a whole cylinder wasn't working... LUCKILY, I've managed to avoid any real damage, and it almost worked in a sort of 'fail safe' system...

So, yes, the Datsun has his head off and I am looking to get my hands on a Thermostat Housing 'top'... looks like this:

Oh, and I'm looking for one of these:

Could anyone help? It's pretty urgent as I'm hoping to get rebuilding asap!

thanks in advance!
If you have problems ordering and shipping to you from the states, let me know and I can order and ship it to you.
Thanks all... I guess it's not the end of the world if i can't get hold of one.. They still 'work', just a little corroded. If the states is the quickest option, sadly I don't really have the time... putting it back together this weekend/next week in time for Le Mans... shoudl be running beautifully now! Excited.

Had the cylinder head refurbished, valve seats etc by Paynes (FJ Payne and son) in Oxford... great quality work.