non members

Yeh Come on DJZ 60, your surely in the right position (by your pc 24/7) to monitor those "Lurkers" Give em some grief and embarass them into joining.

1329 posts, How am i supposed to catch you DJ, Damn!! I already talk to these forums more than i do to my wife & kids. oh well, speak later champ.
Regards........ Don.
While you wrote the above post,I managed an abysymal amount
of 7 additional post's. 24/7? don't forget, I make cup's of tea in
between...............................................DJZ 60.
Originally posted by ZHead
Lurkers - very scary word conjuring up all sorts of dark, twisted characters.

Even got their own smilie
900ss ! Man I have gotta get me one o them lurker smilies !!!!Tell me where ,I have got to send one to my lil Bro over in Canada,,,,Dedicated surf lurker he is !! Even calls himself great white!:D :D
I feel sorry for the smiley on the left who keeps getting "nuzzled" by the lurker!:eek: