hells a popin

my fair lady

Well-Known Forum User
spare a minute for the london bombings victims. we all live to love the value of life....lets have peace ...
why o why kill or maime innocent people
the trauma all affected will affect them all thier lives
really feel for them
Ditto. Pray for those that died, their families, and that the injured recover.

I thank God that I don't have to use the tube or the buses, but I do go through Liverpool Street station twice a day. Today our train went in with us knowing that there had been an explosion but not knowing what to expect. Most of my office spent the morning trying to find out what was going on, with ever-slower online news pages and the usual round of second-hand information. I understand that of my colleagues was in a taxi and went past the bus just before it blew up.

We seem to live in a sometimes nasty, vicious world. Today proves that disaster can strike any of us at any time with events beyond our control, and for some reason there are people out there who believe that hurting others will achieve their aims. It won't, it'll just prolong everyone's problems.

Where you find beauty, enjoy it. Where you find love, hold on to it. When you're happy, revel in it.

And when you argue or hold ill feelings, step back and think about it.
Very well said Tony, words fail me, how tragic, how destructive we humans can be to each other.
Yes that is the problem we are ALL too destructive towards each other, History will show that we are ALL guilty of committing atrocities against each other, we should ALL pray for ourselves, and the millions all over the world who loose their lives due to OUR mindless violence.
I work right by Liverpool Street Station, was lucky I was a little bit late for work this morning. We were on a tube on the Central line a couple of stops before Bank and Liverpool Street Station and we were told there had been a power surge so I got off at St. Pauls and walked to work. They kept saying there was a power surge or electrical failure when we were actually in the tunnel when a bomb had exploded. And I had no idea!

It was a nightmare getting home with no tube and bus networks..

Thoughts go out to the families and friends who have lost loved ones and those who have been injured. I still can't believe people have died/been injured, i am trying to block it out. I guess it's because I have no choice but to carry on using the tubes and buses again.

my heart goes out to those involved, it does just want to make me swear and get vengance but that would make me as bad as the ignorant a**holes that did this today.
Our thoughts are with those who died and were injured, great words Tony, live for today and keep close those who you love..
And there I joked on another thread (before the atrocity) about the UK having Al Quaida !!!

My ex wife (Dutch) made me leave theLondon back in '93 as she couldn't handle the daily threats - back in those days it was lorries with ferltiser (shook our windows) and rocket attacks on No10 !
I worked in public transport and always wondered why the IRA didn't really hurt us on the tubes and buses ! Answer, it might have turned sympathy against them. This lot want to make us feel victims as presumably they themselves feel ! Same pschology as the trade towers bombing - return violence into OUR everyday lives !
Sean, that remark, was all in a banter mate, no harm done there.
Nice to know the neighbours are with us. Cheers.
what remark Don - was something said that I should have taken badly ? I have a thick skin and sometimes miss the point :)

The French are all obsessed with whether there will be a back-lash against the muslim community - I said I don't believe so but maybe their question says more about the French and their mentality :)
I work on the corner of Tavistock square (bus bomb one), I was off last week, but its a bit unnerving when its so near. You could feel a difference on the tube this morning


Did you notice how clean the tube was?? I came into work late and the tube was empty with no litter to be seen not even copies of the Metro.

Good to see that people are taking their rubbish with them which makes suspicious bags easier to spot.
Will it last ? Would be nice if LOndon lives up to it's continental image of a clean city !

All the rubbish bins over here are taped over, hig surveillance of foreign cars ar toll booths and machine gun toting cops at stations adn airports ! All very Rambo and won't stop a determined pro terrorist !
Yes it was a bit cleaner. When I got the train home from Liverpool street, a member of staff came down the inside of the train asking everyone what bit of luggage was theirs that was not on their lap. Good, but like Sean said, regards litter, will it last?

I sat on the train home from Liverpool Street tonight with a swarthy mediterranean type standing next to me. He had a hold-all over his shoulder, kept getting calls on his mobile and was talking God knows what language. He's probably the nicest bloke in the world and wouldn't hurt a fly, but after thirty minutes I'd lost half a stone through sheer perspiration. Isn't that half what's so bl**dy rotten about these terror attacks? I find myself judging some poor chap negatively just because of his face and accent. Rather sad really...