Fuel Protests


Well-Known Forum User
Has everyone else seen the ques building up outside petrol stations tonight looks like people are getting worried about the fuel protests planned for this week. I have just filled my van up on diesel £51.15 and it was 1/4 full should last me for about 2 weeks for work so I can earn my bread even if the fuel runs low..
(Thats an 11ILB fill of Nitro including collection and delivery)

Working in Cardiff today and there all queing at Tesco for fuel, all the motorway services were ok,must fill the Z up tomorrow
Queuing into Morrisons tonight, I filled my Omega up (70ltrs) which I'm using as a store to run my motorbike, should be able to get about 780 miles out of that :D Only 3 miles to work so thats 26 weeks of travel! :D
Some petrol stations near me already out of Fuel. Others with varying queues (at midnight!!). Filled up everyday car and took home a couple of jerry cans to top up my Z.

Tell you what, I'm very glad our Government has a tight rein on all this or people might start to panic!
Its excellent! Hopefully we'll finally see some protests and the gov doing something about it!!!
Over here the lorries have already started operation Escargot - driving side by side on the m-ways at 25 mph ! Some refineries have already seen protesters outside and we're seeing 95p per litre of octane 98 unleaded at the supermarkets (cheapest petrol source) !

The best news is (as reported on the telly last night) that as the price of a barrel is so high, it makes searching for more oil worthwhile so in fact, high prices will garauntee a longer supply of oil in the future ! Aren't you comforted now :) ?

Next titbit to nibble on is that the price of oil is expected to peak in around 4-5 years, after which it should drop sharply ! Why ? I didn't understand this bit, maybe someone else can explain, because at the moment, oil production is exceeding demand !
Yes, there is a greater demand now than 5 years ago, predominately in the USA and China but that demand is being easily satisfied !
But when they forecast a peak, they mean it, like another 15$ a barrel - sell your Zeds now !

Protests need to be done by Joe Dough ie you and I before any govt will pay attention !
Panic buying isn't going to help!....By filling your tank, you're filling the Oil companies pockets and the Government's coffers!....The "protest" will therefore have little impact over here!
At least the French know how to protest!
Except that our govt is saying that they can't do anything about lowering fuel taxes as the European commission would call it an unfair trading advantage ! Just another bloody excuse and another reason why the right is gaining influence here politically ! Already, the election candidates for the 2007 Presidential campaigne are promising to stop the 'islami-fication' of French society, the installation of border guards (presumably against terrorism but useful for all sorts of blockades (against beef/poultry etc) and 'la piece de la resistance' - the return of compulsory national service !
Thatcher - eat your heart out !
nick every petrol station in bromley beckenham etc queues or out of fuel last night

wish i could insight panic buying to increase my monthly turnover
its all a conspiracy

Panic buying isn't going to help!....By filling your tank, you're filling the Oil companies pockets and the Government's coffers!....The "protest" will therefore have little impact over here!
At least the French know how to protest!

agree with you jez
the only way to do it is for everyone to not buy certain brands for a while, start a price war......that will do it!

meanwhile i just got a phone call from the wife saying she's almost out of fuel and cant get any either, all of our local petrol stations are out of fuel. oh well i'm off to the pub then, i will try and run them dry before the night out!:D

not worried about the mrs, she likes to keep fit so she can walk home!:eek:
My cars needs tax discs too. I think I'll head to the Post Office and tell them that as I'm paying so much tax on fuel they can whistle for their road fund licence money.

That'll teach 'em...
........and pay more tax !

At least over here we stopped all that road tax nonsense, even my Z31 is tax exempt :) And our MOTs are every TWO years !
Don't curse us, join us !

Why should you continue paying road tax for classic cars ? Why shouldn't the cut off date move with each passing car ?
Cars of 30 (or even 25) years should be exempt. By the end of this year, all cars sold in 1975 (or even 1980) would be exempt !

It's maybe too simple an idea and the situation too complicated for me to understand why my ex-GOVT wants to screw you all !
LOL grolls.

I heard theres going to be a beer shortage, I think we should all panic drink! I'm off to get **** faced before it runs out.
Or just store it inside you as per the Opel for the M-bike ! You can p*** it out later and enjoy all over again !
Try the real stuff with corks to pull out !

No no, cider brandy, £17 a bottle 2 miles from me, makes your vin seem like shandy :) AND I could probably run the car on it.
You probably could put it in your car, I've heard that Opels are ......agricultural !

But then, I wouldn't drink what one can put in ones' petrol tank ! And certainly not at that price !

I can get a very nice Pomerol 2003 (brilliant vintage) for 1 pound 76 per bottle (75cl) - beat that !