For Sale - Offers?


Club Member
Why is it this site still allows for sale posts to invite offers ?

Cant the seller atleast state a price, or be deleted after a request from a mod ?

I don't know what to offer and obv don't want to offer to much or offend !

But, as a seller I sure know what I want to see as a minimum

Most other sites insist on a price so why don't we ?
Never get any interest if I place an add best offer on here, not much better when you put a price on it unless its mega cheap, then its gone in seconds. So I can't be arsed anymore, you may have noticed all my parts are going on ebay now 99p start & I'm not bothered what I get for them just want it all out of the way.
I have seen "best offers" sold before I've even managed to make a better offer.

Perhaps a guide price should be given to prevent offence, or over-offer???
This question has been aired before but with no satisfactory conclusuion. My personal feeling is that a price should be stated.
Is there a reason why item's listed for sale shouldn't be priced? :confused:

That being so state it in the listing if its genuine

Cant be to hard to tidy things up !
I agree, a price should be followed by: o.n.o, o.v.n.o, no offers, offers over etc...

I had a rage about this before on here. Not stating what you expect (price-wise) is wasting everyones time including your own.
Ok well I expect you'll get people on both sides of the fence, a lot of people don't know what a classic car part might be worth so ask for offers. I don't think that's unreasonable.

If you want to change things go start a poll on the subject in the members section, we'll run it for a couple weeks, and let the voters decide :) Democratic club and all that
a lot of people don't know what a classic car part might be worth so ask for offers. I don't think that's unreasonable.

Its isn't, but would they take 1p for said part ? or would I be wasting their time now the shoes on the other foot?
I think not, so why waste peeps time faffing about with offers they would never take :confused:
I just dont believe it can be that hard for ANYONE to atleast state a price ?

If you want to change things go start a poll on the subject in the members section, we'll run it for a couple weeks, and let the voters decide :) Democratic club and all that

Agreed and looking at the views and replies by members who have ample opportunity to view and reply it already seems an obvious ADD PRICE reply !
I see no need to move it as it applies to everyone who wishes to use the bb
I agree, a price should be followed by: o.n.o, o.v.n.o, no offers, offers over etc...

I had a rage about this before on here. Not stating what you expect (price-wise) is wasting everyones time including your own.

So in effect you are saying that millions of Ebayers are wasting time by listing items at 99P when they really are expecting more??????
I think not.
Its a waste of time doing any polls etc on this subject.
cos if its changed to " Price must be stated" rules then all you need to do is put "offers over 1p" or "offers over 99p" etc etc ;)
And that is just the same as the no price rule in effect.:rolleyes:
The only trouble with the poll is that all the traders and regular sellers will say keep offers and everyone else who buys stuff will say get rid of it and we'll end up nowhere.
Pete but this isn’t eBay, it’s the Zclub
We all list stuff for 99p on eBay, but know for sure it will prob make £50 +
that’s done for a diffo reason tho as im sure we’re all aware … listing fees why else lol !
But saying that that is also part of the reason ..... this isn’t an auction site with fees
So just state a price unless the seller is maybe intent on inflating those mystery OFFERS !!
I don't get the problem, when classifieds are forum based (as per they often go for offers, and it seems to work? If you make an offer and the seller refuses it then the seller has also lost out on a sale, so that seems pretty even between buyer/seller. I like offers, if I wanted to sell some of my 240 bits I'd have NO IDEA how much it isn't worth. Far short of ringing Pete every time I want to sell something my only other option is offers?

I'm not sure there's an answer that keeps everyone happy to be honest, apart from trying to leave it flexible. How about we agree from different points of view :

SELLER: You can ask for offers, however anyone in the "I don't like offers" camp will not see your advert. You can chose to actively ignore this market.

BUYER: Just don't look at any advert that asks for offers. This way you don't have the problem of having to put in offers.

Problem solved :p Seriously though, I'm not sure we'll all agree on removing offers, or all agree on keeping it, so maybe if people don't like offer adverts just ignore them?
Pete but this isn’t eBay, it’s the Zclub
We all list stuff for 99p on eBay, but know for sure it will prob make £50 +
that’s done for a diffo reason tho as im sure we’re all aware … listing fees why else lol !
But saying that that is also part of the reason ..... this isn’t an auction site with fees
So just state a price unless the seller is maybe intent on inflating those mystery OFFERS !!

It matters not whether its Ebay or the Zclub. The principle is the same.
Sellers want to either clear items quickly and dont care how much they get and other times they want to get the maximum price.
thats two reasons for starting items at 99P that are nothing to do with listing fees. Since this isnt an auction site one just says "offers" omitting the 99P part that you put on Ebay.
Im quite happy about the "state a price " rule if it came to be voted in cos I have already shown the way round it.
Everything changes ..... but everything stays the same.;)
Stating offers, is like running a sealed bid tender... so effectively it is an auction.

As a buyer I would rather know the price someone is selling something.That way no ones time is wasted.
I personally dont see the problem with "Offers"............If I seen something for sale which I was interested in and it had "Offers" Ide make an offer. :)