Dereks Dog Den


Well-Known Forum User
Hey Derek,
Just been speaking with the nearest and dearest, (Yes we do talk now and then), she wants to know if your bringing the treat wagon with you. Our place is like an animal sanctury.
We have two Collie Springers, 3 cats, Bantams, Fish, and a dead Rabbit (whose now quite cheap to keep).

Could be a good morning for business after brekky, especially if word gets out. :cool:

well I am coming in the van. I can always leave the goodies in if you're interested. just don't expect weekly deliveries!

P.S. If anyone wants any bits moving from midlands to south or reverse you better call me. Plenty of room.
Don, my kids are after a low-maintenance pet.

How much for the rabbit?

I think it's a great idea. This way they get to learn that everything dies, but without having to clear up sh*t for several years beforehand.
Sorry Tony, your too late mate. Carrots, Peas, Spuds, and likkle bunny. Mmm luvly.

Next Sunday Hedgehog Pie.


Why not leave your van contents in, we'll have a browse on Sunday morning, Ive told Marion not to spend anymore of my hard earnt cash on pets, until she has seen your extensive range of top quality merchandise. Do you do big bags of dried doggy food, (not Mixer). im told our two eat Oscars at present, (similar to Science Diet or Iams), do you do anything like this.
Apparently, the cats were on science diet, then we got the pups, and were reccommended to use Oscars, so Marion put them all on Oscars. It all looks the same to me, and smells as bad each other.
We have Oscars delivered, so I guess thats also why Marion changed, rather than going into town to get S Diet.
Why Merlin, whats your favourite nibble, are you a meat and two veg bloke, or do you have the nibbly little bikkies. My master Don, feeds us on the little pooffy bikky thingys from a bloke called oscar, but occasionally we catch the odd pheasant and have a real treat.
Max n muffin.
Zbirdy said:
Why Merlin, whats your favourite nibble, are you a meat and two veg bloke, or do you have the nibbly little bikkies. My master Don, feeds us on the little pooffy bikky thingys from a bloke called oscar, but occasionally we catch the odd pheasant and have a real treat.
Max n muffin.
Sounds like don could be one sandwich short of a picnic
How dare you neil, I went to my shrink only last week, and he said im responding to the treatment really well.
in fact, we started talking about Datsuns because he used to own a bluebird, and I was just about to tell him all about my 290z, when he cut me short and gave me a repeat prescription. Bloody vets what do they know eh.

Donald Duck. Weehhhheyy.