Ban on petrol and diesel cars

Yes fantastic song, play a bit of it on the guitar,
Rush are cool!!

Seems funny the Rush song Red Barchetta at the time sounded so unrealistic but now all coming true, it's about a young guy who finds his uncles motor in his garage and takes it for a drive in the country after the ban on motor vehicles, have a listen it's good :driving:
OK Paul, got a new one for you to gig when the ban kicks in (it was a very dull commute today, see below)!

Get your motor hummin'
Sneak out on the highway!

Looking for adventure,
And charging points on our way!

Yeah darlin' you make it happen,
Take a charge in three phase.
Cool the batteries all at once.
Or they explode in yer face!

Born to be chaaaaaarged!

The commute ...

OK Paul, got a new one for you to gig when the ban kicks in (it was a very dull commute today, see below)!

Get your motor hummin'
Sneak out on the highway!

Looking for adventure,
And charging points on our way!

Yeah darlin' you make it happen,
Take a charge in three phase.
Cool the batteries all at once.
Or they explode in yer face!

Born to be chaaaaaarged!
Excellent. Though I think the chorus should be 'Born to be bored'.