260 2+2 Turbo (Minnow Fish)

I wonder what the buyer of the "rare 2 seater 260Z" will think when he finds two more seats in the back?

I saw this car in East London years ago, but passed on purchase (only interested in the unusual Minnow-Fish turbo conversion). The engine sticker reminds me that the car was originally restored by the Z Farm, but a long time ago!
Mr.F said:
I wonder what the buyer of the "rare 2 seater 260Z" will think when he finds two more seats in the back?
Could end up a costly mistake for someone
I'm pretty sure this is the same one as last time round - see old thread here:


There are some more pics of it in 'Jenkins' Gallery with same Reg No.

Mr F. - funny you mention Zfarm - as they posted on the above thread :
The Minowfish Turbo Conversion is the Holy Grail for the Z Boys".............
Well, well, that's news to this particular 'Z' Boy !

Seriously, and out of sheer curiosity, can anyone complete my education and add any more background detail about this particular Tuner's Turbo conversions on the 260Z's ?

It might also be useful for those who have discussed the merits of Turbocharging for the early 'Z's on the site in previous postings.

Just a thought - Maybe they took out the back seats now :devil:

"THE BHP OF THE CAR IS BETWEEN 150-170" - Isn't that the totally standard bhp range for a 260Z ? :) What's the turbo for then - heating the drivers' feet ?

Oooh, be afraid, be very afraid (to buy) !
i mailed him stright away wen i saw the 2 seater 'mistake'....he put it on the ad. after in credit to him
