240z prices



Hi there,

Im new to the board.

I have been offered a red 1971 240z for £2000 and am seriously interested as I have always wanted one (my Dad owned a red 260z 2+2 when I was a kid).

I was wondering whether anyone could help me as Im not sure how to verify what the car is actually worth.

I have seen pictures (I am going to see it tomorrow evening) and it looks good. Apparently it needs an MOT and the bodywork needs some attention along the offside and on the bootlid.

Any ideas? Is there anything that I should particularly look out for

Any advice would be very much appreciated.
would be good to know what area you are in as maybe there is a member in that area that could come and see the car with you or at least advise you of what to look for.
hopefully a few people on the list will offer you advise on what to look out for as my tech ability is well known in the club, its nil
Steve is right(for once) the forum needs to know where you are. There are plenty of members with 240Z experience. I am one of them. I suppose you could be lucky and find a really good bargain at this price but the odds are in favour of a car that needs a lot of time and money spending on it. Time and money spent now on a full appraisal could save you a lot of hassle in the future.
As all 240Z owners will know, rust is the enemy. Mechanical repairs are easy - just nuts and bolts - but making authentic body and structural repairs to a rusty 240Z is a much abused concept. You should try to gain the knowledge of what a correctly prepared car should look like and then judge your purchase against that. Structure is everything - you do not want to be cutting out the floor and replacing chassis rails on your first Z purchase (or do you?).
£2000 should buy you a worthy restoration project - if you are lucky the car will drive O.K. and may even have an MOT, but expect to be doing lots of work in the future.
Plastic and rubber are expensive when they arrive in a Nissan wrapper - the interior trim should be complete and usable and the weatherstrips need to be serviceable.