2 piece to 1 piece prop gearbox swap?


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Hi all - I'm inspired by Pete's auto to manual box/propshaft thread -

Anyone know if its possible (and easy) to convert a 5 speed manual gbox for 2 piece prop into one that uses the one piece prop?

I have a reconditioned early box, a knackered late box and a reconditioned one piece prop and a worn 2 piece prop. I'm trying to figure out what's the best combo I can put together.

An S14 ;)

I have 2 Zs one with S30 box, one with 200SX box - the gearboxes are worlds apart as far as gear-changing is concerned.

I wouldn't put a 200SX box in the standard car for originality reasons, and I wouldn't put the S30 box in my modified car.

Your car is modified so I would advise you to consider the upgrade. I know it's all been said before but I see little point in persevering with old Datsun boxes apart from originality and 'classic feel' reasons.
Hi John
I've just done the s14 conversion and as Robs says it is superb. It really is a joy to use.'

As far the Zed boxes go, I used to run an early box with the split prop. It used to give me no end of vibration prblems on the track, despite renewing the joints. I changed to the later single prop in the end witch was better.
Thanks guys - I get that S14 is the way to go, but I don't have one now, and in a couple of weeks I'll have my L28 engine ready to drop in, so wondering about the next best thing, given what I've already got lying around.

I'm following a search on ebay for s14 boxes. Am I right the S15 6 speed is the most desirable?

I don't think so John. I believe the drift boys go back to s14 box because they are stronger.

Also the S15 box doesn't have a mechanical Speedo drive.