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In the absence of a realistic list, I've suggested that an individual lead a think-tank to produce a definitive listing of cars this club recognises as genuine Samuri cars built by both owners of Samuri Conversions Ltd out of Silverstone. I would happily assist.

We've gone a bit off topic there but it's a good opportunity to reiterate since it's a popular thread.

Anyone who wants to help out with the club just needs to message a committee member and let us know. we currently need:

- National and local event coordinators
- Someone who's experienced building social media presence
- Someone to negotiate and publicise club discounts

Sean, I think you previously mentioned someone doing the last one, are you actually offering to do it yourself as a permanent role?
We've gone a bit off topic there but it's a good opportunity to reiterate since it's a popular thread.

Anyone who wants to help out with the club just needs to message a committee member and let us know. we currently need:

- National and local event coordinators
- Someone who's experienced building social media presence
- Someone to negotiate and publicise club discounts

Sean, I think you previously mentioned someone doing the last one, are you actually offering to do it yourself as a permanent role?

I think in the samuri thread he said ‘bye/mini flounce’ so not sure if he’ll see this