S14 gearbox from breakers yard - questions ??

It never rains ..........

One of the great mysteries of the universe is why people will cite vehicle type codes ('S13', 'S14' etc) and engine type codes ('CA18DET' etc) in order to identify a transmission, rather than identify the transmission in question by using its correct type code.
One of the great mysteries of the universe is why people will cite vehicle type codes ('S13', 'S14' etc) and engine type codes ('CA18DET' etc) in order to identify a transmission, rather than identify the transmission in question by using its correct type code.
At least you got us all to quote 'S30's now and not Zs ;)
I've had a few S14 gearboxes and as has been said they are a very decent upgrade. However if that ebay box is indeed EXCELLENT then it's worth considering. The problem is how do you quantify excellent.
Bear in mind that this box is being sold as a known excellent box. Your original post was about a 'breakers' box so they may not have known it's condition. It was £375 but it would cost more than £500 to get it fitted (prop, gearbox mount, machining of bellhousing, reverse light switch etc). Then the lever gaiter will not be an exact match.

If you could haggle on the S30 box it may be a good option if you only use your car on the road for touring.
It all depends on how excellent it is?