UK Registration - dating certificate


Forum User
Morning everyone

Is there anyone on the forum that can help me with a dating certificate please

I've messaged Ali k multiple times but dont seam to get any joy, its almost 5 weeks since i gave all my information on the form required but i've had nothing and i'm desperate to get my car on the road with the correct year of manufacture on the log book

Id appreciate any help/ assistance


Morning everyone

Is there anyone on the forum that can help me with a dating certificate please

I've messaged Ali k multiple times but dont seam to get any joy, its almost 5 weeks since i gave all my information on the form required but i've had nothing and i'm desperate to get my car on the road with the correct year of manufacture on the log book

Id appreciate any help/ assistance



Hi Al, sorry you've been having trouble - I've reached out to Ali to find out what's going on.