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Has anyone got any info on where / how to site speakers in a 260Z 2+2 without damaging trim too much but giving decent sound.
i think you might have to cut some holes to get some decent speakers in,thats wot i did,then i got some second hand panels just in case
Remove the rear plastic trim over the back lights and build a box from MDF sloping forward to house whatever speakers you want, incorporate bass subs and porting as desired. Make it removable so the car car be easily restored to standard in the future. Most car audio shops now sell carpet covering for speaker boxes to blend in in with the rest of the interior.
I had two 6x9s in boxes in the rear corners of my 2+2. That worked well and was really easy to do
I can help with most car audio questions but I would thoroughly recommend www.talkaudio.co.uk for non Z specific advice.
Oh one more thing dont buy from Halfords, as a general rule of thumb they tend to not really know what they are talking about and are v expensive.
When I was a little younger (not that I'm an old git) I had two house speakers in the back 1 each side 2 6x9s in a triangle shaped speaker box in the middle between the rear struts and a 300watt sub in the middle not trim was cut and the Amps were put under the seats. This put out about 750-800 watts.only trouble was it was hard to hide from onlookers.As everything was the right size it all stayed in the right place. A bit of a pain though if you wanted to get to the spare.

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