Spa road trip

I can see where your coming from Sean and it will make you carry the speed more but it would frustrate me being held up on the bends and not being able to overtake the faster cars on the straights

You have it too easy - makes your brain lazy :) Anticipation and a little more courage and confidence in the chassis to carry through the corner-speed.:thumbs:
It will come Sean, just give it a little more time. I really must book an "open pit lane" there.

will take some amount of experimenting to find the best launch

and then the track conditions change and you will have to modify the technique.
1.7 is great, especially when you consider they aren't big tyres for the power.

I need to get practising my launches, will take some amount of experimenting to find the best launch.

It used to get to the point where I would monitor weather conditions, (humidity, air pressure etc) as it would have a significant effect on the track and engine performance.
Post event I would record times versus atmospherics.