some useless information


Well-Known Forum User
Is it me, or is it damn cold.
Im putting the heating on.

Is it cold in France, ALLY.

Don ! Yur talkin to a Canuck here !! Nov through March you can see minus 35 C, or worse with upwards of 3 feet of snow,,,,,this is T-Shirt weather ! :D :p
mind you , I do have the heating on in the garden shed so's my pooter don't freeze up. Gotta turn the beer fridge up though ! Ya just can't win,,,:D
gets THAT cold in Essex Wally ?

Here, I lit the fire for the first time since ??? and it's on again now ! Just to take the chill of ! The central heating probably won't go on for another couple of weeks. 22° this afternoon and it was 16-18 this morning but it feels 'damper' each morning !

Put some shoes on today, been in sandals since June although my Z T-shirts are still getting an airing !

Now is wine fair time if anyone wants to do a splash and grab Calais run to the Hypermarkets !
That sounds tempting Sean, some nice red, to warm up those chilly evenings. Toes warming by the log burner. Ahhh heaven.
Just emailed you a photo of our bread oven, lit last week and the sky last night !

When you want, buddy, when you want !
gawden bennett Mr De, make my cottage log burning stove look like a candle. You and Mrs De, had better invite Mrs W, and I over there for a glass of something , i feel.
And the sky, very nice. Dont remember the kent sky looking like that tonight. Strange that.

Deffo getting chilly. Had fire on in lounge tonight for first time in six months. And had to close garage door too while I was out there - can't have my Z catching a cold.

And now it's raining and blowing a gale.
