Potential Insurance deal for Z32's


Well-Known Forum User

A lot of you already know me as MarkH on this forum and TopLess on the 300zx forum (the car is topless not me <img src="http://www.zclub.net/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/wow.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':0'> , well if the money is right maybe&#33<img src="http://www.zclub.net/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/wink.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=';)'>)! I am curently acting as club secretary for the 300zx.co.uk club.

On the 300 forum I have come across a company called Aon who already offer competitive 300 insurance, and would be interested in offering a club discount, for the 300ZX drivers!

I have mentioned this already to Steve Burns, who hopefully remembers and I am posting it on here to see if members on here would like to join forces and act as one on this insurance deal?

Here is an email sent from the company representative today!

As the email says they need to view some insurance policies, so if you can email a scanned copy to me I would be grateful!

Hello Mr. Hanley,

As promised I confirm our company's interest in learning more about your
club, so that we might assess its insurance requirements and whether we can
offer something beneficial to your members.

We currently work fairly closely with many major UK car owners and driving
clubs and find these relationships mutually beneficial for all parties
involved. So we can try and piece some sort of offering together you might
remember I said it would be useful to examine 15-20 existing policies. To
this end, I would be most grateful if you could forward some examples from
your existing members, including policy wording, schedules and premiums

As soon as I have these I will pass them on to our underwriters for

Looking forward to speaking to you soon.

AON have been advertising in the Z Club magazine for ages now. I find it odd that they are not already aware of the Z32 market via Z Club enquiries.

One point of interest is that, according to their ad, they will offer track day cover in addition to a road policy.