Out of date Web links to this site

Rob Gaskin

Staff member
Site Administrator
Whilst doing a bit of 'surfing' today I noticed that many of the Zed sites around the world have links to our site and membership info etc which is out of date. I'm not sure how we go about correcting this but perhaps we do this individually as we come across them. Any views?
Yeh, best bet is to e-mail the people in charge at said sites and get them all pointing to http://www.zclub.net. If people do find an old link to the old site it should automatically throw them to the front page anyway.

Might be another job for the new links man Jez :p

Originally posted by Rob Gaskin
Whilst doing a bit of 'surfing' today I noticed that many of the Zed sites around the world have links to our site and membership info etc which is out of date. I'm not sure how we go about correcting this but perhaps we do this individually as we come across them. Any views?

I will shortly be updating our own LINKS page and would appreciate any links to good Z or ZX related sites you may have come accross....Cos I may have missed a few!;)
If you come across any out of date links, either inform the said site yourself or let me know and I'll endeavour to put them right.
My email address is JEZ300Z@aol.com