

Forum User
Where is the east england showground Steve? By the way, we second that! The magazine was 'really good' this time, even our tel. no. was right this time!!
Off A1 at Peterborough. Map on other thread "JAE is moving."

It is the posh name for wot I used to know as the Alwalton Raceway! Been there in a previous life with my Mini Grasstracker/hot rod!!!
I bet Ken can remember back that far too!!!!!
Telephone number

Shel I was told that if I didn’t not get it right, my life would not be worth living, I would be hunted down and shot like vermin, even worse, under the rules of the drag challenge, he threatened to make Nissan 115 blue an illegal colour

Hmm so called mate’s ehh!
The rest of the Kiddell "special rules" are being formulated at the moment to keep future issues of the magazine up to scratch...

Hmmm - horsehair lined Nomex underwear for drivers of cars with LSD???