Removing ethanol from fuel.


Club Member
Today, at the classic car show, I had a chat with someone selling a kit to remove ethanol from petrol. I go her to explain exactly how the kit worked and how it removed the ethanol. It turned out to be really simple and didn't actually require the kit a all to do it. All you actually need is a reasonable size petrol proof container. Like a plastic jerry can and a bit of water.

So, the procedure is like this. Fill the jerry can 3/4 full with petrol and top up with water then shake like mad for a few minutes or until your arms feel like they are about to fall off. Then leave it to settle for a few hours or overnight. The water will absorb all the ethanol and sink to the bottom. You then syphon off the fuel from the top and throw away the water/ethanol.

I told the girl that just putting the additive in every tank full sounded like a much easier way of dealing with it and she agreed.
I told the girl that just putting the additive in every tank full sounded like a much easier way of dealing with it and she agreed.
So if you just p*ss in your tank, do a few turns of the carpark and leave the car can drain away the rubbish the next morning ? Great !:thumbs:

Nexy ?:confused:
How much alcohol is in our petrol then? it's only 5% isn't? (unless it's marked E10)?
I think its now up to 15%. I know they made some changes to how much they can put in without telling anyone.

Its all got ethanol in it Sean.
Lower carbon innit

One of its primary roles is to assist the burn process and to help increase knock resistance.....better known as the octane rating.

They used to use a lead compound and for some reason that proved to be bad then a synthetic was used but that was also bad, so ethanol is a compromise...take it all out and the octane rating drops unless you put something else back in.

Contrary to popular belief "octane" doesnt = power, it just lets you run higher cmpression without knock, higher compression = higher cylinder pressure and thus higher torque at higher rpms .........ergo more power
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