Diff/Gearbox 17mm square filler plug socket poss group buy?


Club Member
Some will have the discussion on here about these plugs. I'm now in touch with the Kyoto Tool Company in Japan who make them. They've asked me to ascertain how many I want and then they will give me a price inc shipping.
Their list price is around £17.50 and clearly I have no idea how much shipping, taxes etc will be at this stage.

If it looks good I plan to take 50% non returnable deposits up front before ordering to ensure I'm not out of pocket. I won't be making a profit on these unless someone backs out in which case I'll sell the socket for the best price I can get.

So, who is interested? I can go back with numbers and see what they say. Let me know asap please.
I think it seems crazy to have to ship a simple socket tool from Japan.

I live in a metric country. Let me check some stores locally!
Wow Pete,
That's great. I asked for a quote for 10 and without UK import charges it came in at about 17 quid, so potentially just under 20 quid delivered to UK members.
I was about to place the order based on the responses so far but if you're happy to take over on this please go ahead, and add me to the list please.

Wow Pete,
That's great. I asked for a quote for 10 and without UK import charges it came in at about 17 quid, so potentially just under 20 quid delivered to UK members.
I was about to place the order based on the responses so far but if you're happy to take over on this please go ahead, and add me to the list please.

The difference isn't as big as I thought.

Postage to each member would be around 10 GBP. So there goes that idea ;)

The ones I found are rated for impact guns, so the quality is high.

What I can do is put all in a box and let someone on here distribute them to the UK members. I can ship the one to Sean in a padded envelope.

I'm fine either way, it's up to you Bazzateer!