Your private gp medical records

Please don't think this is a simple as some Orwelian uber control state that wants to know the ins and outs of your every movement...its much more than that.

What ever you might think about freedom of information, privacy, it doesnt come into it
This is about data ownership at the highest levels

One aspect is cost

Imagine a hypothetical scenario where you get paid £100 for every name on a list
and that list contains100 names.

However because the list is poorly maintained, it contains some spurious data
70 good records (verified names and addresses)
20 suspect records (possible gone aways)
10 bad records (deceased)

After the list has been cleansed (a function done by high end data management services:thumbs:) only only 70 out of the 100 records remain and you should only be paid £7000

However because you hold the list, you are being paid £10000 you dont want to let go of the list for it to be cleansed as it will reduce your income by 30%

Now lets look at a certain health database with over 30 million names and addresses in it, imagine getting paid £100 for each one.

And thats what is quiet possibly the case;), two interested parties fighting for control of your data, one wants to streamline the entire process and subsequently the list and make cost savings (and in the process own valuable accurate data), the other wants to protect revenue, even if it is claiming for names on a list that shouldnt be there.
I certainly dont think this is some simple orwellian state.Im more than well aware of the reasons and methodology for it (greed,targeted advertising/manipulation and the rest)and well aware of whats to come if theres no resistance,more people in the know the better,even being on this site is giving away info but info given by my choice.I am just supplying a link for people who may be unaware/concerned for their medical privacy to go to the links and make a decision for themselves on whether they want non immediate persons,ie pharmacists and social workers in future easily knowing about any abortions/miscarriages they've had,any sexual diseases, basically all your medical info. And if theres any future unrest in society, people being even more easily targeted for medical reasons and wotnot,ask why a great percentage of jews are shy of giving private info freely.Police have even started to request GP information,thankfully most GPs as i am aware still respect patient confidentiality. And as always once the first big step has been eroded private info loses its privacy.
Please don't think my response was in anyway directed at you, neither was it meant to be curt or trite
its directed at anyone who reads it and is based on experianced fact rather than web factoids (its often the case with some web sites that they don't show the full story as often its not obvious) and the facts are which ever way you chose you lose
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I lose

No probs,its the just the usual case of words/sentences coming across as ambiguous or misunderstood, when trying to communicate without being face to face,thats the part of the web i hate,apologies.:):):):):):)