Thanks Mike re, steering wheels


Well-Known Forum User
Mike, thanks for mailing me some steering wheel info, what I was really after was a posh wood rimmed job, with brass rivetting or similar, someone posted a pic of a nice wheel on the forum upon which you saw my initial interest.
I would like something that is not neccesarily designed for a specific make/model of car, as I hate it when people say, (" EErr thats off a 1970s ******* mate" !!). So a nice bespoke classic light coloured wood, rivets, 2 or 3 spoke, wheel, that can fit my 240 easily, would be nice.
Oh yes, forget to tell you Mike, after all the auto fuss im changing to Manual mate, So a matching light wood 5 speed knob would be super Dupa.
If anything springs to mind, can you email some pics, or post again. Best regards. Don.
Best not call me eh, the wife wants a gas bbq. How Boring!!
Zbirdy said:
the wife wants a gas bbq. How Boring!!
it aint a bbq birdy, its an outdoor cooking appliance... and you get no flavour except butane flavour!!!!!! eeeeeewwwww yuck!
Oh well thats the only proof I need then, I will give her the diplomatic technical spec when she comfy watching Corry tonight, or maybe tommorow night, that should do the trick eh. Can I give your details in case she dont believe me.

Must go now grolls, I can hear her cracking her knuckles................coming dear.
As this is a TRADERS FORUM, I either should tell you to move your thread elsewhere or note that I have a very good camping shop next door to MJP with lots of BBQs for sale (true, actually...) - might be able to cut you a deal.....:D
Sorry Mike, thought this place was for contacting traders, such as you Sir,


PS, bbq's?, Is there anything you cant arrange Mike.