YouTube - carbon roof and a radical resto


Well-Known Forum User
I came across these two Datsun Z projects:

The first is by IndustryGarage 240z. I've put a link to episode 3 where he swaps the roof for a carbon fibre one (ignore the young lad with the camera for the first few minutes)

The second one is by Youngtimer - a young lad chopping the rust out of the car. You can see by episode 5 there is not much left of the backend

Is this too radical ? At least he braced the frame beforehand

Oh, Built By Jeff Datsun is a very good watch. (already flagged up in another thread). I wasn't keen on the guy in the first episode but he is a real star and full of enthusiasm. Good bloke.
Have been following his progress on Youtube, interesting in how he makes the carbon fibre panels, I wish there was somebody in this country who would make carbon fibre panels as some people who have rust metal panels are asking silly money for them.