The Big Boss!


Club Member
I'm not one of those berks that agrees that tv and movies are resposible for the way that all of the idiots of the world who've commited copy cat crimes and such the like simply put it down to the current trends in tv and video (because it's quite obviously bol-x) but monday or tuesday night I was late going to bed because they we're showing the ground / world breaking 'Big Boss' (the 1971 Bruce Lee movie).

Now, I get paid (a little) to make people's ideas look cool (and sometimes I just do it because it's a piece of p*ss for me and it's fun) so when I got a PM from the ex-sec guys asking me to tart up their advert for the MIND BOGGLINGLY AWESOME ZCLUB CALENDAR then I simply had to indulge myself. Half price? Incredible! But if you wanna see the inspiration then just check out the opening credits to monday nights B.L. fight fest. True genius. I'd put the soundtrack to it too but everyone (including myself after a while) would get really fed up of it... Even though it's possibly Peter Thomas' magnum opus!

Seriously though, if you don't have one already then grab yourself a copy of the calendar. It's at a ridiculously low price and it means that every day you get to look at a superb Z car before you go to work. Excuse enough if you ask me (which you didn't).
Marvellous! Calendar look'z great & the web work- looking(as can be expected) Superb! Superb!
thank god. . . .Jakko's about! In Total Appreciation
(artist formerly known as DJ BREAD.