Pimp my arcade machine - Enigma II


Club Member
Well I've got a new job, and it's about time I left home, so I started looking for furniture, the obligatory big tv and coffee table.

Anyway I remembered I had this old Enigma II cocktail arcade machine. It's done many years good service, but on this outing it looks pretty dead.

Firstly before I do anything to it, if it worked would it be worth much or am I still ok to do my coffee table project?

Secondly can someone look at the pic of the screen and have a guess at what's wrong. It's not playing any music so presumably something has come loose or died, and the screen is ok? Are there any test points? I have a multimeter and some basic electrical knowledge, I am trying to get a scope at the moment as well. When I first switched it on the right side of the tube lit up, then as it warmed it now glows all over, but still no music/any sensible picture.

My current plan is to get it home, take it all apart, clean/reseat everything and see how that goes. The screen also needs a new gel on it if anyone knows where I can get an exact match please.

Thank you :)


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Check out ebay, they pop up on there sometimes and are considered now to be collectors items.

In good working order, that could be worth a few bob.

It's just a case of how much repairs would cost, particularly if the screen itself is knackered. It's like the old tellys, it was cheaper to buy a new telly than to replace the tube.
Like Nidge says, these are very collectable, but obviously worth much more in good working condition. Try googling for more info and to find out who could fix it. Lack of picture AND music suggests a mainboard problem rather than the telly, but I could be wrong.

Good luck!
nk ....nk .... nk .... nk .... nk ..... nk ..... bitow bitow nk .... nk .... nk ... bitow
oooeeeooeoeoeoooeo bitow bitow oooeeeoeoeoo nk .. nk .. nk .. nk ..nk .nk.nk.nk.nk.nknknknknknknk brrchss
Game Over
I think there is someone on this site who repairs them for a living, it may be twoforty, maybe he can chime in or PM him for some advice, in case he misses this thread....
blip .... blop
blip .... blop
blip .... blop
blip .... blop
blip blop
blip blop
blip blop
bli... aaargh dammit
:D name that game
Sounds like ping pong, but with the threat of Thread Hi-jack perhaps we should shut up and go home. :)
;) okey dokey (but it was Pong invented by Nolan Bushnell who started Atari - I'll get me coat :D )
there is someone on here who can help - just can't remember who!!
Mr F had a long dicussion with him about games

Russ- try doing a search for games here! it must have been a tread about 6 months back
Hi Russ
just noticed this thread
The problem is one of two things.
1st. could be the reset part of the power supply causing the CPU to stay in reset.
2nd (most likely) is a bad ram chip on the CPU?(middle) PCB. iirc there are 16 of them. 2101 is the part number, they are a pain to fix if you don't have the right equipement. I can fix it for you but it won't be for a while as all my reapir kit is covered in car parts at the moment.
Although your machine is called enigma it is actually a mk1 space invaders that has had the ROM's changed to give it another game, this was common once Space invaders became old hat. I would change the roms back to Space invaders, get the legs re-chromed and sell it for £800 if I were you :)
looking at the photo's that conversion pcb shown looks interesting, Ive not seen anything like that on a Taito rom board before. I will check through some old paperwork and let you know what I can find out about it.
Enigma 2 (1984 Zilec Electronics UK) was a conversion applied to a Taito Space Invaders Part II board set. On board is a "Sound System" board plugged into one of the EPROM sockets that contains a CPU, sound ROM, 2 x 2114, an AY PSG and a block of dipswitches (i.e. a cut down Scramble-style sound board).

I thought it was you but didn't have time to trawl my pms way back :)

That's cool. I'll inspect these chips tomorrow. There was part of the coin mechanism floating around in the area near the free credits button, might have shorted/knackered something.

I would like to fix it myself, I was going to make a new housing out of hardwood, slightly reshape it, add in another speaker (it's currently one sided) and do something like that. Keep the original bits in the loft for one day when it's worth £8k instead of £800 lol.

The game is a million times better than space invaders so I'll keep this for now :)

Can the chips just be reseated? I imagine there has to be some diagnostics on the board somewhere? Is there any way I can measure the psu output voltage to see if it's stuck on reset?

Thanks for your help, no great rush on this just would like to fix it for the sake of a challenge.
yep check the psu first, should be +5 -5 and 12v present for the thing to run, you may have blown a fuse or something if you're lucky :)
The cab looks original inside which is pretty rare these days, try to keep it that way if you can.
The game pcb consists on 3 boards, sound, cpu and rom.
Is the picture static or does it reset over and over? any noise when you first switch it on?
You're a hero, thanks mate.

Yeah it's been in my families possession since about the v early 90s and was in a pub before that.

Maybe I should restore it and leave it alone? I was only planning on relocating the parts into some new wood that was all, keep the old stuff in the loft.

I'll start fault finding, cheers!