JDM Combe 2023

Hi all

JDM Combe will be held on Saturday 8 July this year.

For anyone interested, I have already registered a Club stand and tickets can be booked on the website at https://castlecombecircuit.co.uk/shows/jdm-combe/08/07/2023/club-book using the code ZCLUBJDM23.

The cost is £27.50 for car, driver and 1 passenger and £35 for track time (reduced by £5 if you use the club code).
Think I'll be up for this again - although as I threatened last year, for 2023, I might be gate-crashing the stand with the RA25 Celica... ;)
I haven't had any indication that our allocation is full and the Club tickets can still be booked as far as I know.