Bad Series 2 PTU?


Well-Known Forum User
Has anyone ever had a series 2 PTU fail on them? My 300ZX is a 1992 TT import which has recently been firing on only 5 cylinders. I was told by the mechanic who last checked it after sorting my ABS light issue that the engine was vibrating a little and looked to be misfiring. I was told it could be down to either the coil, the connector plug, the spark plug or the fuel injector. Anyway, I ran it down to a friend of mine and he checked and found that there was no power coming from the connector? This is odd as this implies that the PTU might be the culprit? This PTU was a replacement to the original series one that completely failed causing the car to die on me repeatedly. It was replaced with a series 2 and I remember a short while driving away from the garage about 4 years ago now it died again but a few days after I got it home whatever problems seemed to fix themselves and it was fine...until now.
Could it be the PTU again? I hear there is a series 3 PTU that provides much stronger voltage.

Can anyone help?

Most likely a bad connection in the PTU adapter loom used when S2 is fitted to S1 cars...?