Torqen prices up 30%?!

Appreciate the support. You've hit the nail on the head, let's say you order directly from USA, are you going to pay £50 to ship a £20 part back which you need to return?

We do actually have around £10,000 worth of stock sat in the warehouse in terms of 240z, 260z, 280z, 280zx and 510 parts. We are slowly building our stock levels for popular items but it's not commercially viable to hold everything here as the UK/European market is tiny compared to the USA.

To give you an idea, we have well over £500,000 worth of products in stock for 350z, 370z and GT86 which is our main market.

We only listed the older Z parts around 8-9 months ago, if we're seeing items ordered multiple times, we're ordering a few of them as they're obviously more popular. We're also improving relationships across the world with manufacturers for older Z parts, the bigger discount we get, the better prices we'll be able to offer you guys.

That being said, if you are looking to place larger orders with us, a discount is on the table. Just drop us a message on the email and We'll see if we can do anything. The more items we can get onto one order, the cheaper it'll work out in terms of shipping and therefore overall cost.
Weather permitting, I am planning to be at Torquen meet on 13th August with my 240Z. Hope to see you then Coz.