removal of windscreen chrome


Forum User
Hi guys,
I have a 1980 280zx 2+2 and have a rust patch on the roof that seems to start from under the chrome trim along the top of the windscreen. I need to remove this chrome but dont know how! Do I need a special tool? Is it held on with plastic clips? If I break the clips can I get replacements?

If this procedure has been documented already please let me know.

Thanks in advance
First remove the side trim(s) - hidden screws under the weatherstrip on the A-post.
The top trim is located on a full width plastic retainer held in place by the screen bonding material and, in theory, the trim can then be slid along the retainer to one side. In practice it will be difficult to start and will require much care to prevent damage!
The plastic trim is still available, but requires the screen to be out to refit it properly...