MZR podcast - good chat with Rahail

Yep lets not get into that discussion here, keep this about the MZR cars.
Yep lets not get into that discussion here, keep this about the MZR cars.

To be fair - the listing does mention MZR

“In truth, if i was starting again now, and did not want a car eligible for pre-1970 rallies, I would most likely go to MZR Roadsports in Bradford, for one of their reconstructed Datsun 240zs. They’ve taken all the pain and produced something that I now have, but at half the cost, even at their starting price of something like £89,995, I believe. But i’ll let mine go for £69,500. you’ll have to make up your own mind.’

I’ve made up my mind. ..... ( and I see there’s a thread....)